Thursday, May 24, 2012

Skype: Advantages and Disadvantages

Skype allows people to have contact with each other through the use of a webcam and the internet. Because of Skype, users can keep in touch with friends all over the world. It is most free, however there is a fee for certain uses such as calling phones from Skype, access WiFi, or send texts. Skype can be downloaded at

Advantages of Skpe:
  • Downloadable, free software
  • Connect with friends all over the world
  • Telemedicine
  • Cheap (for when you have to pay)
  • Save money on phone bills
Disadvantages of Skype:
  • Can be slow
  • Have to be connected to the Internet
  • A lot of people can find you and add you, even if contacts can be blocked
  • Requirements (computer, webcam)
  • Need to pay for some of the uses

1 comment:

  1. I love using Skype for video chats. For web video conferencing, I prefer using WebEx, GoMeetNow, Gotomeeting etc. web conferencing tools.


Please add to advantages and disadvantages of technology. Also, please share your experience with the technology.